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Saturday 14 April 2012

Lactose Intolerance And A Healthy Diet

                          Diet Solution Program
Lactose intolerance is quite a serious obstacle to adhere to a balanced power system. In fact, what to do with dairy products, which are rich in calcium so necessary to the body, but cause you have nausea, cramps, flatulence, bloating and diarrhea? Thoroughly studied this issue, you will learn to cope with it.

 Diet Solution Program And Lactose intolerance. What is it?

Lactose intolerance - the inability to digest a significant amount of this type of sugar, part of the milk. This happens at a lack of lactase, an enzyme (enzyme) that breaks down milk sugar into simpler components that can be absorbed into the blood. If lactose is not broken down and absorbed, it enters the intestine and the excess water under the action of bacteria are always found there begins the fermentation of sugar. There are different degrees of lactose intolerance. These days, what used to be called lactose intolerance, medical professionals are defined as abnormal (disturbed) digestion. And only a small part of those who are experiencing similar difficulties, do not tolerate lactose. Most people with bad digestion after eating at a time of moderate servings of dairy products feel great. As a rule, they are able to drink while eating at least a glass of milk without any consequences. Sometimes milk intolerance is temporary and related to the intake of certain drugs or disease, such as influenza. symptoms similar to lactose intolerance, there may be other, more serious diseases. So if you have a problem with the use of dairy products, be sure to consult a doctor, who put the correct diagnosis

What is the value of milk ?

One of the most important human substances that make up the milk is calcium. He is extremely good for health and serves as the basic building material for bones and teeth. In addition, it is necessary for the heart, as well as tension and relaxation of muscles. From calcium is largely dependent blood coagulation and its ability to deliver these or other substances to all parts of our body. It is established that the adult needs to consume daily 1000-1200 mg of calcium.  

How to solve the problem of intolerance?

In most cases, to deal with lactose intolerance is not so difficult. When planning your Diet Solution Program follow the tips. This will help you be happy to eat dairy products, and to a sufficient degree to satisfy his need for calcium.

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